Brooks Strong Grant Recipients
Meet some of the amazing kids who continue to thrive in the sports and activities they love thanks to the generous support of our donors.
Maeve (Lacrosse) and Finn (Boxing)
Apply for a Grant.
Brooks Tonn was a kid whose enthusiasm and fervor for life was evident in his love of sports. The life lessons that Brooks learned on the field helped him in his fight with cancer. Many saw firsthand what extracurricular activities provided Brooks while he was going through his cancer treatments.
The mission of Brooks Strong Foundation is to provide a resource that will help defray the cost of sports and other community programs for kids in families suffering from the financial hardships associated with ongoing cancer treatment.
Brooks Strong will provide grants to families in need so their kids won’t have to miss some of the best parts of childhood. No child should have to miss the opportunity to develop a strong character through teamwork, competition, and problem-solving that comes with these activities.
Who is eligible to receive a grant?
Children ages 8-18 whose participation in an athletic or artistic extracurricular activity has been or is at risk of being interrupted by the financial strain of cancer. Currently, we will be serving families undergoing treatment at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago with the goal of serving families nationally as funds permit.
Does the Extracurricular Activity Have to Involve Sports?
No. Any extracurricular activity -- be it in athletics or the arts (music, theater, etc.) -- where there are fees and expenses involved will be considered.
Can a family receive a check directly?
No. Brooks Strong Foundation will send payment on your behalf directly to the appropriate organization or individual.
What documentation is necessary to support the amount of grant requested?
The application must be accompanied by a copy of a brochure, flyer, website page, invoice or letter from the organization/individual providing the activity. Please circle or highlight the fee for which the grant is necessary.
In addition, we require a signed statement by the physician or social worker verifying a child in the family is currently being treated for cancer.
Is there an annual limit on how much money can be granted per family?
Yes. In order for us to touch as many lives as possible, we cap financial support at $1,000 per child and $2,000 per family annually.
Does the family have to meet income qualifications before a child can receive a grant?
No. But proof of illness and ongoing treatment must be authenticated.
Does the family have to repay the grant?
No. Only if the child does not end up participating in the activity would repayment be required.
May more than one child from a family apply for a grant?
Yes. We examine each grant application on an individual basis, provided the child meets the criteria for eligibility.
May the same child apply for more than one grant per year?
No. In order to help as many applicants as possible, a child is only eligible to receive one grant annually.
May the same child apply for grants in consecutive or multiple years?
Yes. A child is eligible to receive one grant annually.
How does brooks strong determine which children receive grants?
The grants committee of the Brooks Strong Foundation reviews each application thoroughly, then awards grants to the children who meet our established guidelines and present compelling cases. We will award grants to these qualified applicants as our funds permit.
What are your sources of funding?
Grants from the Brooks Strong Foundation are made possible by our fundraising events and the generous contributions of our private and corporate donors.